Learn to Trade with The STRAT Soldier

Whether you're just starting out as a trader or would like to step up your trading game, The STRAT Soldier has your back! Learn how to protect your investments and maximize your profits with easy-to-understand courses and video seminars from a veteran trader with a passion for helping others.

The STRAT Soldier

Respected teacher and trader Jermaine McGruder has been trading The STRAT since 2019, and has helped thousands of traders understand how to keep their losses small and their rewards consistent. A 20 year army veteran, he has worked with soldiers in intense training environments and brings that discipline and focus to his work with aspiring traders.

More STRAT CAMP lessons will added in the coming months, designed to take you from beginner to confident trader with simple and easy to understand lessons.

Start your trading journey today and learn how to make the most of your money!



"Just wanted to let you know that you've helped me tremendously. Since I quit trading options I've been constantly winning. It's still early, but for the first time I feel like I can continue to grow. Just taking a few hundred bucks a day without giving it back. Thank you."

Frank T.

"So many concepts clicked in for me just by you explaining what to look for. Some of the best gems you've dropped have been when you hit a flow state in your rant. It also helps that you're really funny. You're a big part of my success. I owe you a lot."

Leigh S.

"I knew literally nothing about trading before I started watching Jermaine's videos. In no time at all I learned how to identify buy and sell signals, where to set stops and how to use The STRAT to analyze charts. Jermaine is both easy to understand and truly entertaining!"